Sunday, July 8, 2012

First Full Day

July 7th
So first full day here in Sjovik. I ended up sleeping around 9, and I'm pretty sure the whole team slept really early. We woke up at around 7 30ish for breakfast, which was very interesting. Breakfast was mostly sandwich type items, with bread that Vernon refers to as "the best bread he's ever tasted." There was another thing, called Pate, pronounced like Pa Tay. At first, we thought it was pronounced Pad Thai, or at least Charles thought it was. It was this brown paste type of thing, and the local team members told us to eat it with pickles. I ended up grabbing the "herb pate" from the table, which was in a tube that looked like it contained rubber cement or toothpaste. When I brought it back, they all looked at me crazy. They stared while I took my first bite. It wasn't bad!
I find it funny sometimes when people stare at you, and sort of wait for your reaction to what you taste.
Some other things, please continue to pray for us and our hearts. Today we learned their vision and mission statement, which is "Reach out to draw closer" and pray for us to understand what that means more and more in our roles, and as we reach out to each other, and to our small groups.
Also pray for the relationships we've begun to build. After our first full day, a bunch of us remarked about how easy it was to get to know and get along with the Nordic people here. They're very warm and welcoming, and also very friendly and funny!

Charles and I ended up playing futbol with some of the guys during our free time. It was not pretty. We ended up playing a little basketball later in the gym hall though. It was a lot of fun playing sports.
One of the highlights of my day was during morning devotions. Enoch was leading us in a few songs, and there was one song where I was absolutely blown away. We sang the worship song in Sweden, Norwegian, and then in English. It was so amazing hearing people sing in all three languages in sequence, but at the same time beautiful. It really showed me God crossing cultures, and how you can glorify Him, and sing praises to Him in any language.

Prior to devotions
                                 Working together to build a tent, that Macklin broke multiple times
                                                                   Moral Support
                                                                     Charles is so deep

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